UN General Assembly

President Nyusi of Mozambique, noted the early progress made in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, and reminded the international community that a new era of development had begun.
With the promotion of human rights, good governance and financing for development as key points, he called for support of the Secretary-General’s reform of the United Nations system so the Organization can be adequate to its purpose. Commending the Secretary-General’s inclusive approach, he said Member States must resolve differences for more effective cooperation.
As one of the countries most exposed to the effects of climate change, he said Mozambique continues to take measures in accordance with the Paris Agreement, devoting 25 per cent of its territory to the conservation of biodiversity, developing renewable energies in rural areas and working to ensure the protection of ecosystems and sharing of benefits. Appealing for international cooperation in sharing technological means, and reiterating the unconditional commitment of his country to the critical role of the United Nations in solving humanity’s problems, he called for continuing to be “faithful” to those ideals.