Fauna & Flora

Mozambique is very rich in both land and sea fauna and flora. The type of land and climate has created three different varieties of vegetation: dense forestland in the high parts of the North and Centre of the country, woodland and savannah in the South and mangroves along the coastline.
In terms of wild life, the main species to be found in these ecosystems are elephants, lions,leopards, cheetahs, hippopotamus, antelopes, tortoises and monkeysand varied species of bird life. Apart from the wild life, there are beautiful landscapes and views to be admired both along the coast and in the higher montainous areas.
To allow the visitor to once again appreciate these magnificent natural surroundings, which were seriously affected by the war, a number of parks are being recuperated such as, Gorongosa National Park which was one of the best in Africa, is a treasure of Mozambique which provides environmental, educational, esthetic, recreational and economic benefits to the Central region of the Country and all humanity. Situated in the Sofala Province in an area of 3.770Km2, at the southern end of East Africa Great Rift Valley, the park’s sweeping landscapes and unique wildlife makes this a perfect destination whether you’re seeking adventure or relaxation.
Other special reserves, in particular the one in Maputo, famous for its elephants, Marromeu at the mouth of the Zambezi, the home of many buffalo and also partial reserves such as Gilé, northwest of Quelimane and Niassa, on the banks of the river Rovuma. The natural reserve of Bazaruto offshore is well known for its exotic birds, coral reefs and protected marine species such as, dolphins, marine turtles and also the dugong.